Wednesday, August 31, 2016


wise sister beat the meat
so mother could suckle babes

in purpose and promise of readied meals
she followed snake's vertebrae 
tender as ghost
and this our host 
baked into thunder rolls

stricken-ed she says 
that snake out on the counter
was beaten and cold
aware of everything 
around her.

and they came then
-- licking up the salt --
all those squirmy peaches
with their tongues perched 
to dissolve 
behind sister's knees with pleads 
while mother has upon her chest
pinned to the sofa's arm
two like fly to paper
warm and busy

scales drift off the counter
to the young
to the flexors beneath
tugging at the tail and 
gristle in their teeth
tethered there to sister
 with teasing agony
every clobby thud 
serenading their
tiny peachy ears

but their little peaching wails
carry not to the one 
up on the counter
who flakes now
swollen now
she's gone                        
and feeding herself now, 
 on her maker's
salty toes


grazing ,    I 
met with yeshua
 met with yeshua, rich
in dusty leather
and full mouth

I met with yeshua on 
oil sands
and wilting grasses 
I met with yeshua and he told me 
and I was glad
,    for 
nothing does not lie 
and I 
still linger like seaweed and heather
on the tongue when breathed

my beloved survived
that breath
between harp

On putting to sleep

stolen wet glimpse
stoned as quiver his
readied, rendered
berried, aim, lips

hinting touch sequence

berried, aim, lips

fasten sinking blips

such small turbulence
took his glimpse
whirling glimpse
sole expense

the way the front of my memory

and the back of my realization
is wet,
 like a slow jelly
and ripples with no break
in its gloss

and color

there is more
friendly and vibrant
as sound and time slow to
a stroll, a coo-ing
             a silence

Takemitsu searched

for the sound worthy
to confront silence
and I think it might be
a baby's cry,
though I have never
heard avalanches,
have I?

And I wonder where,

in this pleasant wetness,
permeates the well
of sorrow and grief and
longing and

    have we wanted a what to want

    or a some special thing?



      humm   a-ways   aloft



Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New Mexico

Primordial purity 
a just beacon
hoping to hook on 
fevered battle.

one-eyed dog 
cheers meaning
out of Crimean 

Library retch, 
fastidious ties bled 
before the spectral. 

Gasping body entire 
with leafing prism
this language. 
Remove my eye dark,

Entrain wood grove 
and tree ring 
to your holy 
mountain viewing

Enchanted corpses
drag rotted feet, 
tread putrescence
in dewey wake
in silver cobbed shadow
foreground of maiden sky, 

Is this haunt or hollowed bless? 


Cleansing with every shadow,
baptismal sun wading belief.
Land empathy 
hydrate involved intermediaries
Green rush, green rush lost gush
Hilly ridge, starry back bone. 
Blessed syllables middle 
these convictions
down the Rio Grande
to loving impasse 
and bridge of emergence.

Scramble next over rail. 

Black sensitive blossom rest
where Jesus killed himself too.
Scare and smash and skull
 in solidarity opens 
between the goated ghost of 
far banks and warmed 
green water lines. Pools. 
Who wouldn't, of all the places, 
groove their existence along this crack
shatter and spill, here. 

Here, of incessant irrevocable reverence. 

Here, where certain objects predetermine 
their ghosts. 

Here, where Emmanuel prays to God to Gorge 

for a better headache. 


a little blue and red person 
screamed I was her 

I cannot contrive this. 

And when I wept, it was not 
for poets
it was for me
for me, who begs stranger 
to cut away the serpent 

I haven't listened 

the serpent with flattened 
head that flops 
with more alleged anxiety 
than I 
because I 
can use tears and splash 
through them when 
new men come knocking, 
visiting monuments 
other than 

I come to you hungry
bent from watching
my hands and feet 
roam about, making. 
I crackle toward you
grinning and rickety.
You see I am you
but you want you  
for your own.
You want credit for your 
agony, and you want me
to go home. You want
to protect this road 
from the demon 
in my simper.
in my simper.  


I am on your memory
alone, upon it, as ever 
you were 
and now, perhaps 
we'll be as salt-lick 
as moon-milk 
as axis-bloom 
as monsoon.
What soft curtain breathing 
swell, dissonant

I am livid for your
gracious apparent swoon
dorn my -ish
fasten art and lore 
to my thigh side and 
call it history 
call it anything
call it juice, let it run
but taste its fall
as words fall from me
to be consumed by the 
shapelessness that 
laid them in persimmon
and breathed  
them, held them 
in clay 
and cobble.  

suffer me, stutter, 
and stay your tongue.
ripple, love young.
as green storm 
pour, drizzle
in my cheek, cricket wing
that well-been sung,

my darling, 
portentous lung. 


I've been a harlot, 
talking reason to 
hallways of gold paint 
and monkey statues. 

I am reserved among sirens
and clumsy with petals
in my bitterness. 

Long hair, cuffed pants. 
Short hair, thigh highs. 
    He sells pot,
    I'm a road slut. 

I want to impress on you 
my studded infancy
til your earlobes bruise 
and tearfully 
you turn to me, parched
and needing more,

Family is for watching my
things when I have to poop. 

Community is for assigning roles
to feed each other. 

Music is for proposing answers 
to unasked quesitons. 

God is for hovering, unsure. 

  Mom doubts us. 

    Dad condemns. 

Children: all of us,
awaiting the perfect opportunity. 
our mouths half-open
allowing slack, convictions 
slide in and out 
of the corners
of our lips. 
We haven't yet learned to 
clench while we watch. 

With these figure heads, I'll spend 
my whole life waiting on patience
to settle in. I'll waste this page 
and the last and each
to follow, scratching off all the reasons 
I don't deserve to wield ink. 

For Margo, Demented:

   Patterns and fiskers and A/C dialers
and bible study and medications and
skin cream for those bags under her
eyes. She wants to see my breasts, 
just the nipples. She wants to compare
tummy sizes and thighs. She wants
to teach me about make-up and
pubic hair. She wants me to grow
up ugly, but agreeable. She relishes
my quirky nature in public at 
family outings to the boat ramp
shrimp basket and wonders why
my bikini is still on the rack. She 
wants me to believe in the god that 
gave her implants. She wants me to 
pronounce it Tray-SHOOR and sing 
her Celine Dion before bed. She wants
a kiss on my mouth as it wails 
"I Surrender" on the home video
retirement fund infomercial. She 
wants release, respect. She wants
submission to her mischief, and 
more family outings. 

    She wants to claw my 
scalp and the curve of my back 
skin with french-manicure. She wants 
me to like it. She wants to highlight 
my hair, and change my clothes. 
She wants to bathe me and feel me
squeeze her wrist between every 
part of me. She wants to pinch 
my first zit, adjust my first bra, 
holster my first weapons and put
the fear of my husband in my 
mouth with hand soap and wooden 
spoons. She wants to blow my 
nose when she cries. She wants to 
hold my hand when she 
laughs. She wants me to drive. She 
tells me men crave a 
young lady 
who knows
her body
and place mats. 

She tells me dinosaurs never existed. 

Sonnet for Miss Ghetto Meadow Landry

  enjoy       thesong
      that cardinal woman screams:


                  }this place
        - get!  - cunt!             

                - h h she
            wanted w a r m
 squish breast / give bless this flying

She wanted beloved
She wanted          be lost
She wants a virgin sequitur 
         She    d e l v e .

three Shes, fours, bared, we
rrroTT them god hands. 

w e    a r t   u n c l e a n l y . 

If we laugh

If we laugh 
we say we 
know our settings

better than 
the likes of those
who snivel 
out/with proud 
sorrow entire 
this end 
of life known
as I and you.

As I and you 
sit perplexed 
and bemused
   there are wars
   and negations
   and other people
   with better jokes.

As I and you 
run our tongues
over the old hare lip
of comedy and critique,
    I and you 
    forfeit the secrets of mayhem
    for algebra

agreeing that x 
computes neater 
than skin and terror. 


want to say
 is trying.

wish is bar the path.

care is trapping blister winds.

call forth is taking back.


The wanting more of needing less of
counting seasons of wading chest
fluids and viscous broth, this
redundant bloom and receding loss
this vacuum in my skull this
lilac this lie. Silent, ingratiating reply

forgive me, I am in
Some days I know nothing outside
myself because I haven't the 
words to dispel the fumes
from my own mouth. 
I exhaust my crouch 
til I'm somewhere else, beneath 
the bedrock. I love her. 

Rembrantian -Ina

Some sky-scraping shedevil, she leaves
me and I her pitfall
shall crumble into lechery
as a stoned carcass 
    at dawn
as a mutt curls up, as the 
winding of     her bun.  
      - Ina 

I swallow another pill 
and it bunches up as the 
proverbial lump in her
proverbial slope 
on the proverbial green of 
the nouveau riche and their idols, 
slick in faux leather head clutches

Drug rushes fantasy 
out of the trafficked doorway
into the night air, fresh wind, 
crowded patio
and a romantic emptied corner
where two might escape to 
view stars
and the itch quits
each to laugh at respective quip; 
shape-shift under precious heat;
excuse the rust, paint over pearly 
labor with 
extensive muster.

"Bring me to sleep
push me to come closer
bribe me to stay awake"
All this for you 
and you say I'm praying
the gap closed of your knees 
and of your hair I daren't speak
lest my words cut it short
and bake it underneath 
our starry pretense
limping now to balcony's edge.

Come now, darling
my sweetness, my creep
my crookery and wanting
You, my desire, are near complete, 
surprising muse, draw near your 
ghost of precisely.
Some entry point arose about 
an hour ago and you, my scythe
unzipped it before its do-er
could be un-readied. 
You are insidious, my love. 

Come now, 
into her
exquisite peril. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

( )

I no longer wish; I only move to warming moments
scuttle in the claw of my wiry webs -- they should break
have broken by now

I've built troughs I now must fill
with salt water before the tower collapses
What is this citadel I am under? 
What is it I await?

What is this effect I desire? 

I should be curling
into a nothing of awakened satisfaction 
or else
a something of pitted mountain
this will not do
this will not do 

I was beautiful Wednesday. 
I was confused and frightened, 
Thursday morning. 
By Thursday afternoon, 
I was beaten. 
I was soft and faking it, Friday. 
Here I am Saturday evening, 
Here I am a shadow-wait
Here I am I am able I can make 
of this like the others before me 
here I am here I am here I am 
like nothing you've ever seen
a shadow-wait.
a beamer.

Long Brick Tunnel (for Pearl St. Mall)

in vapid hands she rung her toiling back
back familiar and I covered under shades 
turned down that cool voicing that splayed
my thoughts along cave walls
or a long brick tunnel. 

Those tendrils 
he calls fingers
rummaging around in the burned haywire
singe-ing up the end of that cylinder, that
lightning twice afraid and too cylindrical 
to hit. Arounding coil splat spew light
through a paper cut cardinally burned, 
burned on the fringe, 
burned out and inch left and spring
up into that long brick tunnel. 

This dance on leveling dimensions, 
this sonneto, this doesn't leaving limps on 
toward that burned be    on     ends and 
jump, lick latex to spend eternal odds 
roving over new corners in the same
summer-old long brick tunnel. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Washtub Remembers

I'm figuring and the washtub
remembers these dreams I've 
tried to make new again. 
The bathhouse wastebasket is always
the last to get taken out,
and is it because this room 
is where we come to know 
ourselves as the least of it all? 

- The spigot our eternal father
- The drain his ghostly consort
And us, slick as babes,
remembering with heavy liddeds
that which we have not seen:

       No, the day has not burned
       innocence to a scab, which 
       now sloughs off
       to a damned somewhere. 
  for I am clean.
       No, I did not smoke in excess
  for I am new.
       I have not traded my goals
       for a scrub brush.
       I am not obsessive
   I am washed without sin.
       I am not disappointed in this skin.

and in this place we look down 
and see that we are greying 
over our bones,
becoming sagged
with each accountable shed
crisp becoming.
and pouring to steam
or to canal
we are thinning. 
we cannot flush our dreams 
with slice by vigorous slice.
they do not bleed by pummice stones

and they will not drown. 

Sonnet for the Un-Wanderer

I've wuntered away all blue eyed bales of hay 
and returned with a jacket of crosses. 
Upon this good sight a flat pool abides 
by a tune of thicket and locket. 

Libation to reach and good faith beseech 
the moon and her ineffable springs 
to come sprawling right near a sweetheart so dear 
and teach her of permanent things. 

I've messed with the moon. I've messed with my head 
and I'm done with the cars and the men. 
I'm having fun now. I'm taking my bow 
til she tells me to get up again. 

Not a gap in the tide, 
not a moment too soon, 
Comes the call to face up 
and stand on the moon. 

Upon Eating an Apple During Invocation Class

Muse says chomp. 
    do so carelessly, 

The real voice of the revolution
   is that of the dead. 


my sickness:
beneath lousy market squares
   my tomb:
   upon stems and leaves
   resting like teeth
my resounding:
in the bellow 
in the hill to burn
       to burn
          and die
oh, make me flame, 
ash, cinder, dust
oh, make me forgotten
and if you must
heal me
make me
make me numb
to music
that my knees
not buckle and sway

numb to lovers 
who'll not kill me
responding to split & stay

numb to worship
that I dream not 
of distant day

numb even to your hands
when you finally steal me away. 


From a distance,
she calls her brother 
                  Right-hand man
           in a yellow hat
         stitching twine saches
            like he planned it.

     hard hunk of cowboy
 across the comedy
        trash-hauling off
     some chihuahua's
         fragranced clichees
         for the boys
         to peddle on 
     shedding Amazon,

all the while these
ridges burn and 
she is calling. 


During certain days, 
all other given days
line up between
their frames
in some way that
has all been here

the cogging lingers
it thanks you
and this nostalgia 
bears no weight
holds no crown
but dapples its trot
where worlds 
coffee at night. 

Come back yesterday (w/ Ian Herman)

Come back yesterday
and dance upon my rage
here, tomorrow.
having seen yours as mine
as wine
bloodied by sun
squeezed by heel and dirt
and finely made drunk on dissolution.

Come back yesterday, 
My Clearest Poison, and 
may I drink you again. 
and again 
in blue-throated ecstasy
as you were ever
there, making the nectar so sweet
for tomorrow. 

My Dearest Elixir, tomorrow
               is mad.
And if I swallow you then, 
I surely will drown-in.
In the inward emptiness of I 
      full in We
filling as tides pale
the fringes
fill, polarize
silt from froth, 
from fiction and I, 
I cannot

   Embraced by Life's wane --
rising, eternal -- awaiting crashed wave
I have been arrested 
in your toss-back
this gasp, drenches, 
My Sieving Drink, 
held by heaving heart's cup,
Drunk in rhythm
to rebirth's song
My wretched chalice
for your ambrosium. 

Dear Diary,

I don't have it figured out. 
I am immature. I like the heaviness 
of my boobs. I still shy at the term
tits. I'd like to feel another woman's 
tits. I'd like to compare. I'd like, 
I want to lie side-by-side naked
with a woman and laugh and 
say "look, you look like me" Discover 
ourself in each other's form for the 
first time. 

When I walk, I look at my 
surroundings, am drunk by my 
surroundings. Walking with is the 
most intimate encounter. We do not
promenade. We walk. Discover, race, 

Though stillwater flies'
droning chorus goldens each pitstop
succulently, we move. We brush, 
we press, we flex flesh, we break and 
grasp and clutch and gasp. we swollwe
yollwe yum we young yum we 
barrel and we bone and we elbow 
punt bold apart no stones thrown and
we punch space between we glom we
unhooked unarm.