Tuesday, August 30, 2016

For Margo, Demented:

   Patterns and fiskers and A/C dialers
and bible study and medications and
skin cream for those bags under her
eyes. She wants to see my breasts, 
just the nipples. She wants to compare
tummy sizes and thighs. She wants
to teach me about make-up and
pubic hair. She wants me to grow
up ugly, but agreeable. She relishes
my quirky nature in public at 
family outings to the boat ramp
shrimp basket and wonders why
my bikini is still on the rack. She 
wants me to believe in the god that 
gave her implants. She wants me to 
pronounce it Tray-SHOOR and sing 
her Celine Dion before bed. She wants
a kiss on my mouth as it wails 
"I Surrender" on the home video
retirement fund infomercial. She 
wants release, respect. She wants
submission to her mischief, and 
more family outings. 

    She wants to claw my 
scalp and the curve of my back 
skin with french-manicure. She wants 
me to like it. She wants to highlight 
my hair, and change my clothes. 
She wants to bathe me and feel me
squeeze her wrist between every 
part of me. She wants to pinch 
my first zit, adjust my first bra, 
holster my first weapons and put
the fear of my husband in my 
mouth with hand soap and wooden 
spoons. She wants to blow my 
nose when she cries. She wants to 
hold my hand when she 
laughs. She wants me to drive. She 
tells me men crave a 
young lady 
who knows
her body
and place mats. 

She tells me dinosaurs never existed. 

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