Tuesday, August 30, 2016


The wanting more of needing less of
counting seasons of wading chest
fluids and viscous broth, this
redundant bloom and receding loss
this vacuum in my skull this
lilac this lie. Silent, ingratiating reply

forgive me, I am in
Some days I know nothing outside
myself because I haven't the 
words to dispel the fumes
from my own mouth. 
I exhaust my crouch 
til I'm somewhere else, beneath 
the bedrock. I love her. 

Rembrantian -Ina

Some sky-scraping shedevil, she leaves
me and I her pitfall
shall crumble into lechery
as a stoned carcass 
    at dawn
as a mutt curls up, as the 
winding of     her bun.  
      - Ina 

I swallow another pill 
and it bunches up as the 
proverbial lump in her
proverbial slope 
on the proverbial green of 
the nouveau riche and their idols, 
slick in faux leather head clutches

Drug rushes fantasy 
out of the trafficked doorway
into the night air, fresh wind, 
crowded patio
and a romantic emptied corner
where two might escape to 
view stars
and the itch quits
each to laugh at respective quip; 
shape-shift under precious heat;
excuse the rust, paint over pearly 
labor with 
extensive muster.

"Bring me to sleep
push me to come closer
bribe me to stay awake"
All this for you 
and you say I'm praying
the gap closed of your knees 
and of your hair I daren't speak
lest my words cut it short
and bake it underneath 
our starry pretense
limping now to balcony's edge.

Come now, darling
my sweetness, my creep
my crookery and wanting
You, my desire, are near complete, 
surprising muse, draw near your 
ghost of precisely.
Some entry point arose about 
an hour ago and you, my scythe
unzipped it before its do-er
could be un-readied. 
You are insidious, my love. 

Come now, 
into her
exquisite peril. 

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